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Jumat, 01 Januari 2010


Beberapa cara untuk mempercepat browser firefox :

1. Pada address bar ketik about:config
2. Pada kolom filter tuliskan network.http
3. Untuk merubah beberapa setingan, klik ganda.
4. Ubah network.http.pipelining menjadi true
5. Ubah network.http.proxy.pipelining menjadi true
6. Beri nilai network.http.pipelining.maxrequests misal 30. (Browser merequest 30 permintaan pada saat bersamaan).
7. Klik kanan pada sembarang tempat, pilih New, Integer. Beri nama nglayout.initialpaint.delay dan isi nilainya 0.
Restart Firefox anda

Beberapa cara lain adalah dengan menggunakan :
• firetune
Merupakan software untuk mempercepat firefox dengan penyetingan mudah
• Firefox Preloader
Merupakan softwarte untuk memperkecil pemakaian memory ( mem usage )
• Firefox Ultimate Optimizer
Merupakan softwarte untuk memperkecil pemakaian memory ( mem usage )
Silahkan dicoba …..

Beberapa cara untuk mempercepat browser firefox :

1. Pada address bar ketik about:config
2. Pada kolom filter tuliskan network.http
3. Untuk merubah beberapa setingan, klik ganda.
4. Ubah network.http.pipelining menjadi true
5. Ubah network.http.proxy.pipelining menjadi true
6. Beri nilai network.http.pipelining.maxrequests misal 30. (Browser merequest 30 permintaan pada saat bersamaan).
7. Klik kanan pada sembarang tempat, pilih New, Integer. Beri nama nglayout.initialpaint.delay dan isi nilainya 0.
Restart Firefox anda

Beberapa cara lain adalah dengan menggunakan :
• firetune
Merupakan software untuk mempercepat firefox dengan penyetingan mudah
• Firefox Preloader
Merupakan softwarte untuk memperkecil pemakaian memory ( mem usage )
• Firefox Ultimate Optimizer
Merupakan softwarte untuk memperkecil pemakaian memory ( mem usage )
Silahkan dicoba …..

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Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

The Effects Of Choices

Where you are today is directly related to the choices you’ve made up to this point; one month, two weeks, last year and even a decade ago.

There are so many choices that we make everyday, some big, some small, conscious or subconscious. However, in our lives the choices we make dictate the path we take or the journey we are currently on. What books to read and learn from, mentors and role models, when to get married and have children, where to live and work.

First, understanding and deciding what direction you are moving in or knowing your desired outcome will assist you in making better choices.

For example, let’s take the popular weight loss goal. All of your meals and food choices need to be congruent with you desired outcome of losing weight. Not planning ahead is a choice and may cause you to make poor diet choices; the salad vs. the quick drive-thru burger. Some of this may appear to be very short term but what is the long term affect on your health is you are over weight or ignore the few pounds you put on each year?

Ignoring decisions is a decision. What declarations in your life have you been putting off? Are there any situations that need new outcomes? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. What needs to change in your life? What are you taking a stand on and deciding on today?

In summary, the key to making good choices is to know your desired outcome or the direction you are headed in. Without knowing that, it’s like walking around blind folded. Know where you are headed or your intentions and it becomes easier to make congruent decisions based on your desired outcome.

Where you are today is directly related to the choices you’ve made up to this point; one month, two weeks, last year and even a decade ago.

There are so many choices that we make everyday, some big, some small, conscious or subconscious. However, in our lives the choices we make dictate the path we take or the journey we are currently on. What books to read and learn from, mentors and role models, when to get married and have children, where to live and work.

First, understanding and deciding what direction you are moving in or knowing your desired outcome will assist you in making better choices.

For example, let’s take the popular weight loss goal. All of your meals and food choices need to be congruent with you desired outcome of losing weight. Not planning ahead is a choice and may cause you to make poor diet choices; the salad vs. the quick drive-thru burger. Some of this may appear to be very short term but what is the long term affect on your health is you are over weight or ignore the few pounds you put on each year?

Ignoring decisions is a decision. What declarations in your life have you been putting off? Are there any situations that need new outcomes? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. What needs to change in your life? What are you taking a stand on and deciding on today?

In summary, the key to making good choices is to know your desired outcome or the direction you are headed in. Without knowing that, it’s like walking around blind folded. Know where you are headed or your intentions and it becomes easier to make congruent decisions based on your desired outcome.

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Rabu, 30 Desember 2009


Setting modem kartu CDMA atau GSM koneksi internet memang gampang – gampang susah, kalo udah pernah coba pastinya minimal mengerti lah tapi kalo belum pernah pasti terasa sangat susah. Oke kalo gitu langsung saja sekarang kita akan belajarcara setting modem GSM danCDMA untuk berbagai macam jenis modem tentunya

1. Telkomsel Flash – Halo/Simpati/As (Waktu)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name :
Password :
Access Point : FLASH
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,”flash”

2. Telkomsel GPRS – Halo/Simpati/As (Data)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : wap
Password : wap123
Access Point : TELKOMSEL
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,”internet”

3. Indosat – Matrix – (Data)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name :
Password :
Access Point : www.satelindogprs.com
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,” www.satelindogprs.com”

4. Indosat – Mentari – (Data)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : indosat
Password : indosat
Access Point : www.satelindogprs.com
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,” www.satelindogprs.com”
5. Indosat – IM3 – (Data)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : gprs
Password : im3
Access Point : www.indosat-m3.net
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,” www.indosat-m3.net”

6. Indosat – IM3 – (Waktu)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : indosat@durasi
Password : indosat@durasi
Access Point : www.indosat-m3.net
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,” www.indosat-m3.net”

7. XL – Xplor/Bebas/Jempol (Data)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : xlgprs
Password : proxl
Access Point : www.xlgprs.net
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,” www.xlgprs.net”

8. Telkom Flexi – Classy/Trendy (Data)
Dial Up Number : #777
User Name : telkomnet@flexi
Password : telkom
Access Point :
Extra Setting : at+crm=1

9. Telkom Flexi – Classy/Trendy (Waktu)
Dial Up Number : 080989999
User Name : telkomnet@instan
Password : telkom
Access Point :
Extra Setting : at+crm=0

10. Mobile 8 – Fren
Dial Up Number : #777
User Name : m8
Password : m8
Access Point :
Extra Setting :

11. Starone
Dial Up Number : #777
User Name : starone
Password : indosat
Access Point :
Extra Setting :

12. Esia (Waktu)
Dial Up Number : #777
User Name : esia
Password : esia
Access Point :
Extra Setting :

Setting modem kartu CDMA atau GSM koneksi internet memang gampang – gampang susah, kalo udah pernah coba pastinya minimal mengerti lah tapi kalo belum pernah pasti terasa sangat susah. Oke kalo gitu langsung saja sekarang kita akan belajarcara setting modem GSM danCDMA untuk berbagai macam jenis modem tentunya

1. Telkomsel Flash – Halo/Simpati/As (Waktu)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name :
Password :
Access Point : FLASH
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,”flash”

2. Telkomsel GPRS – Halo/Simpati/As (Data)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : wap
Password : wap123
Access Point : TELKOMSEL
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,”internet”

3. Indosat – Matrix – (Data)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name :
Password :
Access Point : www.satelindogprs.com
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,” www.satelindogprs.com”

4. Indosat – Mentari – (Data)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : indosat
Password : indosat
Access Point : www.satelindogprs.com
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,” www.satelindogprs.com”
5. Indosat – IM3 – (Data)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : gprs
Password : im3
Access Point : www.indosat-m3.net
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,” www.indosat-m3.net”

6. Indosat – IM3 – (Waktu)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : indosat@durasi
Password : indosat@durasi
Access Point : www.indosat-m3.net
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,” www.indosat-m3.net”

7. XL – Xplor/Bebas/Jempol (Data)
Dial Up Number : *99***1#
User Name : xlgprs
Password : proxl
Access Point : www.xlgprs.net
Extra Setting : at+cgdcont=1,”IP”,” www.xlgprs.net”

8. Telkom Flexi – Classy/Trendy (Data)
Dial Up Number : #777
User Name : telkomnet@flexi
Password : telkom
Access Point :
Extra Setting : at+crm=1

9. Telkom Flexi – Classy/Trendy (Waktu)
Dial Up Number : 080989999
User Name : telkomnet@instan
Password : telkom
Access Point :
Extra Setting : at+crm=0

10. Mobile 8 – Fren
Dial Up Number : #777
User Name : m8
Password : m8
Access Point :
Extra Setting :

11. Starone
Dial Up Number : #777
User Name : starone
Password : indosat
Access Point :
Extra Setting :

12. Esia (Waktu)
Dial Up Number : #777
User Name : esia
Password : esia
Access Point :
Extra Setting :

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Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

An element of a winning mind: FOCUS

Life is a game, and winning is the equivalent of success in what ever that is of importance to you in this world.

In your talks, you speak about A Winning Mind- Can you describe it in one sentence?

A Winning Mind is a very broad topic with which we can spend days discussing it. Just to touch on a few elements, A Winning Mind is a mind that is in control of emotions, a mind that is courageous, a mind that looks for the other side of the coin, a mind that is focussed on achieving their goals and desires. This is only but a few elements.

Let's talk about Focus. Tell us more about the importance of having Focus in your life.

Our lives are filled with events (big and small) that occur on a daily basis, that's the beauty of life. With so much going on, it requires those with A Winning Mind to stay on course without being distracted by surrounding influences. If you are not focussed you tend to lag behind in your commitments, your tasks and also achieving your goals. To be productive in your personal and professional life, you need to be focussed and able to deflect life's distractions.

How serious is this issue of lack of focus?

Think of the signal that streams to your satellite dish. When uninterrupted, it gives you a crystal clear picture on your TV. What happens when there is interference in the signal, due to say wind or thunderstorms? The signal is interrupted and as a result, the picture on the screen is affected.

The signal is the focus. The picture on the screen is the result.

On the face of it, people don't realise the price they pay for not being focussed. Especially at a time like this, many have let the economical and environmental factors distract them. This distraction brings about lower productivity in people's personal lives. Within organisations, this had resulted in reduced productivity and therefore a reduction in potential earnings.

What about those who want to like a few things on their plate so to speak to get ahead?

This is a trap faced by most people wanting to win in their game of life. Sometimes it seems like you are getting ahead by having so much on your plate, but focussing on completing one task at a time actually helps you achieve more. It may be boring, it may look dull, but you will achieve more, one task at a time. I see so many young entrepreneurs who are always looking for the next best thing, who are always trying to put deals together, who feel that they need to have their fingers in every single pie that they hear of. What they don't realise is their energy is dissipated and they can not achieve the higher result they would have if focussed on a single task at a time.

Imagine you wanted to start a fire on a straw mat using a magnifying glass. Can you start a fire if you keep on moving the magnifying glass? We all know that one must hold the magnifying glass at a certain point over time in order to focus the rays from the sun. As a result, a fire is started by staying put and staying focussed. So I usually say, once you start a fire, then you can use that fire to start your other fires.

A well known icon focussed his skill of picking and buying stocks in undervalued companies and watched them flourish in their due time. As a result he amassed a great deal of wealth. That man is Warren buffet, the second richest man in the world. He applied the simple principle of focus.

So how does one manage to do so without getting off course?

In what ever aspect of life, you must always ask yourself a simple question, 'what price will I have to pay'? What is the price that you will have to pay to remain focussed to achieve a given task? Once you have answered that, you then ask yourself what is the price you will have to pay if you are distracted because life got in your way? Once you have both answers, you can weigh up which will cost you more. When I take my clients through this exercise, they usually realise that the price they pay for being distracted is much higher than the price of staying focussed. I also suggest to my clients that they have little rewards attached to completing a task, something to look forward to. This can be getting a cup of your favourite vanilla latte once you have finished your project, catching up with a friend once you have completed your assignments or going on vacation with your family once you close a specific business deal.

Can one obtain focus overnight?

It amazes me how many people are resistant to change in their environment or in the actions they have to take. Yet the same people have an expectation of immediate results. You will find that like most things in life, focus becomes easier with practice and time.

We weren't born running, yet after learning how to move using our limbs, we learned to crawl, then we learned how to balance after hundreds of hard hitting falls, then we started to walk. After that we learned to run, then got on our bikes and learned to drive. Some of us have learned to fly and those who took it all they way even learned to get to the moon. The same applies with achieving immense focus in your life, take one step at a time and most important of all, never give up. Keep doing it, persist and know that it will be hard especially when times are tough and you are under pressure. You will find that in time, mastering focus will show in the fire of your results.


A Winning Mind knows that every day spent focusing on their end reward moves them one step closer to attaining their goals. No matter how minute the results, by focussing more, you will see yourself achieving more. When you start to achieve, you grow confident, but that is a different topic all together we will discuss next time.

Have a Winning Day

Life is a game, and winning is the equivalent of success in what ever that is of importance to you in this world.

In your talks, you speak about A Winning Mind- Can you describe it in one sentence?

A Winning Mind is a very broad topic with which we can spend days discussing it. Just to touch on a few elements, A Winning Mind is a mind that is in control of emotions, a mind that is courageous, a mind that looks for the other side of the coin, a mind that is focussed on achieving their goals and desires. This is only but a few elements.

Let's talk about Focus. Tell us more about the importance of having Focus in your life.

Our lives are filled with events (big and small) that occur on a daily basis, that's the beauty of life. With so much going on, it requires those with A Winning Mind to stay on course without being distracted by surrounding influences. If you are not focussed you tend to lag behind in your commitments, your tasks and also achieving your goals. To be productive in your personal and professional life, you need to be focussed and able to deflect life's distractions.

How serious is this issue of lack of focus?

Think of the signal that streams to your satellite dish. When uninterrupted, it gives you a crystal clear picture on your TV. What happens when there is interference in the signal, due to say wind or thunderstorms? The signal is interrupted and as a result, the picture on the screen is affected.

The signal is the focus. The picture on the screen is the result.

On the face of it, people don't realise the price they pay for not being focussed. Especially at a time like this, many have let the economical and environmental factors distract them. This distraction brings about lower productivity in people's personal lives. Within organisations, this had resulted in reduced productivity and therefore a reduction in potential earnings.

What about those who want to like a few things on their plate so to speak to get ahead?

This is a trap faced by most people wanting to win in their game of life. Sometimes it seems like you are getting ahead by having so much on your plate, but focussing on completing one task at a time actually helps you achieve more. It may be boring, it may look dull, but you will achieve more, one task at a time. I see so many young entrepreneurs who are always looking for the next best thing, who are always trying to put deals together, who feel that they need to have their fingers in every single pie that they hear of. What they don't realise is their energy is dissipated and they can not achieve the higher result they would have if focussed on a single task at a time.

Imagine you wanted to start a fire on a straw mat using a magnifying glass. Can you start a fire if you keep on moving the magnifying glass? We all know that one must hold the magnifying glass at a certain point over time in order to focus the rays from the sun. As a result, a fire is started by staying put and staying focussed. So I usually say, once you start a fire, then you can use that fire to start your other fires.

A well known icon focussed his skill of picking and buying stocks in undervalued companies and watched them flourish in their due time. As a result he amassed a great deal of wealth. That man is Warren buffet, the second richest man in the world. He applied the simple principle of focus.

So how does one manage to do so without getting off course?

In what ever aspect of life, you must always ask yourself a simple question, 'what price will I have to pay'? What is the price that you will have to pay to remain focussed to achieve a given task? Once you have answered that, you then ask yourself what is the price you will have to pay if you are distracted because life got in your way? Once you have both answers, you can weigh up which will cost you more. When I take my clients through this exercise, they usually realise that the price they pay for being distracted is much higher than the price of staying focussed. I also suggest to my clients that they have little rewards attached to completing a task, something to look forward to. This can be getting a cup of your favourite vanilla latte once you have finished your project, catching up with a friend once you have completed your assignments or going on vacation with your family once you close a specific business deal.

Can one obtain focus overnight?

It amazes me how many people are resistant to change in their environment or in the actions they have to take. Yet the same people have an expectation of immediate results. You will find that like most things in life, focus becomes easier with practice and time.

We weren't born running, yet after learning how to move using our limbs, we learned to crawl, then we learned how to balance after hundreds of hard hitting falls, then we started to walk. After that we learned to run, then got on our bikes and learned to drive. Some of us have learned to fly and those who took it all they way even learned to get to the moon. The same applies with achieving immense focus in your life, take one step at a time and most important of all, never give up. Keep doing it, persist and know that it will be hard especially when times are tough and you are under pressure. You will find that in time, mastering focus will show in the fire of your results.


A Winning Mind knows that every day spent focusing on their end reward moves them one step closer to attaining their goals. No matter how minute the results, by focussing more, you will see yourself achieving more. When you start to achieve, you grow confident, but that is a different topic all together we will discuss next time.

Have a Winning Day

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You have some great ideas. You toss them around in your mind. You tell friends about them. They go nowhere. Why? They go nowhere because of what your friends said or because you have the misconception that only a select few are able to unleash a steady flow of creative genius. And, you, of course, couldn't be one of that select group. That is not true at all.

Anyone who has creative genius will tell you that creativity is very much like a muscle that needs to be developed in order to perform at top efficiency. If you don't learn how to develop creative thinking, this skill, like a muscle will become withered and useless to you when you most need it. On the other hand, keep working at it and this skill will soon be ready for action whenever you need it.

So how do you develop your own personal style of creative thinking?

Well, the first thing is to realize your brain has a greater capacity and speed than the world's biggest and fastest super computer. That's right! Even the world's biggest and fastest super computer cannot store as much information or handle it faster than your brain. You are not limited like a super computer because your brain is not limited and that's where creativity comes from - your brain. It doesn't come from thin air, it comes from within you and you already have the tools needed to exercise it.

So, the first thing is to begin absorbing as much information as you can every day. Grab as much knowledge and learning as you can find. Read, watch, and listen to everything available -- good and bad. Don't judge anything at this point of development because it's not the content that is important, only the process of absorption. Keep your mind open to the infinite possibilities that each piece of information presents. The more you know, the more you'll want to know, and the more your brain will be exercised. Prepare to be amazed at little facts that add a bit of color to your conversations with people. They will begin to see you in a new light.

Next, focus on a creative activity every day. This is as simple as doodling. Doodling is a creative activity. Don't let anything hinder you. Just doodle away, mindlessly. You will unleash a little bit of creative thinking and it will be encouraging to see something you created. In addition to doodling, practice drawing something specific for a couple of minutes each day. You might unleash the artist in you.

Or, grab a camera and start snapping photos of anything and everything. Don't try to be "artsy,” just snap away! You might find you have a knack for photography.

Keep a journal and make a point to write in it at the end of each day. Describe your experiences using words that capture your five senses. What did it smell like, taste like, feel like - you get the idea? You may discover a writer lurking in your brain.

In a short time you'll have built yourself a tiny portfolio or doodles, art, photographs and writings and you'll be amazed at the growth of your creativity. You might actually enjoy those exercises so much that they will become a part of you and you'll be addicted to them.

You've heard it said - Think out of the box. Well, not just yet. Be aware of constraints or blocks to your creative process. Constraints are actually a good thing. It's your brain telling you it needs more knowledge about that which you are struggling. Constraints are the brain's mechanisms to force discipline upon you. Discipline forces you to be more resourceful. Creative freedom is great, but limitations are too. There must be balance.

Oscar winner, Anthony Hopkins, would just get in his car and drive across country alone with no destination in particular. It helped him experience different people in different parts of the country, away from the unreality of Hollywood. These little trips helped him to become a better actor.

Try something new every day and let your experiences broaden your view of the world and people around you. Explore a new neighborhood in your town. Spend an afternoon in a museum to which you've never been before. Chat up someone in the checkout line at the store. You need to open up to the people around you. You need to step out of your comfort zone more and more each day. This will heighten your sense of adventure and your zest for life.

Think about it. When was the last time you did something out of your comfort zone? When you stay in your comfort zone, you miss out on a whole lot of experiences that could add to your growth - emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually.

I would love to try bungee jumping and skydiving but I'm a coward when it comes to risking life and limb. If you have the courage, go for it! At the very least, you will have plenty of exciting stories to share, enabling you to develop your storytelling skills, making you the life of any gathering. People will love to hear you tell about doing the things they only dream of doing.

This next thing will seem nutty. It is. You need to embrace insanity. I'm not talking about the kind that will land you in a rubber room. As John Russell once said, "Sanity calms, but madness (insanity) is more interesting."

History shows that nearly every creative thinker was once deemed insane by "normal" people. Lucky for us, the critics couldn't stop the creative geniuses from changing the world. Being "normal" confines’ people to think - normally, that is, to think within limits society has deemed to be normal. Creativity is essentially ignoring those limits, within the Law, of course. Your creativity may seem bizarre and downright strange to the "normals.” Ignore them and seek out others who also ignore the "normals" of this world. They will know how to help you to cultivate your new sense of creativity.

Now, a word of caution as you step out in your search for creativity. Don't strive to develop a creative "personality." There is a difference between a creative personality and creative thinking. Examples of wacky creative personalities would be George Washington, who often rode into battle naked, or James Joyce, who wrote "Dubliners" with beetle juice because he had an intense fear of ink, or Albert Einstein, who thought his cat was a spy sent by his rival. They were all great men, for sure, but a little wacky at times because they lost touch with reality.

It's important that your creativity doesn't blind you to the real world. Keep your feet on the ground and your head in the clouds! (Look familiar?)

Starting today, begin thinking beyond your "limits." Follow these steps and you'll soon be living a life full of interesting and exciting adventures. Your new level creative thinking will bring about a new zest for living life.

Who knows, your idea might be the next great idea to change the world.

You have some great ideas. You toss them around in your mind. You tell friends about them. They go nowhere. Why? They go nowhere because of what your friends said or because you have the misconception that only a select few are able to unleash a steady flow of creative genius. And, you, of course, couldn't be one of that select group. That is not true at all.

Anyone who has creative genius will tell you that creativity is very much like a muscle that needs to be developed in order to perform at top efficiency. If you don't learn how to develop creative thinking, this skill, like a muscle will become withered and useless to you when you most need it. On the other hand, keep working at it and this skill will soon be ready for action whenever you need it.

So how do you develop your own personal style of creative thinking?

Well, the first thing is to realize your brain has a greater capacity and speed than the world's biggest and fastest super computer. That's right! Even the world's biggest and fastest super computer cannot store as much information or handle it faster than your brain. You are not limited like a super computer because your brain is not limited and that's where creativity comes from - your brain. It doesn't come from thin air, it comes from within you and you already have the tools needed to exercise it.

So, the first thing is to begin absorbing as much information as you can every day. Grab as much knowledge and learning as you can find. Read, watch, and listen to everything available -- good and bad. Don't judge anything at this point of development because it's not the content that is important, only the process of absorption. Keep your mind open to the infinite possibilities that each piece of information presents. The more you know, the more you'll want to know, and the more your brain will be exercised. Prepare to be amazed at little facts that add a bit of color to your conversations with people. They will begin to see you in a new light.

Next, focus on a creative activity every day. This is as simple as doodling. Doodling is a creative activity. Don't let anything hinder you. Just doodle away, mindlessly. You will unleash a little bit of creative thinking and it will be encouraging to see something you created. In addition to doodling, practice drawing something specific for a couple of minutes each day. You might unleash the artist in you.

Or, grab a camera and start snapping photos of anything and everything. Don't try to be "artsy,” just snap away! You might find you have a knack for photography.

Keep a journal and make a point to write in it at the end of each day. Describe your experiences using words that capture your five senses. What did it smell like, taste like, feel like - you get the idea? You may discover a writer lurking in your brain.

In a short time you'll have built yourself a tiny portfolio or doodles, art, photographs and writings and you'll be amazed at the growth of your creativity. You might actually enjoy those exercises so much that they will become a part of you and you'll be addicted to them.

You've heard it said - Think out of the box. Well, not just yet. Be aware of constraints or blocks to your creative process. Constraints are actually a good thing. It's your brain telling you it needs more knowledge about that which you are struggling. Constraints are the brain's mechanisms to force discipline upon you. Discipline forces you to be more resourceful. Creative freedom is great, but limitations are too. There must be balance.

Oscar winner, Anthony Hopkins, would just get in his car and drive across country alone with no destination in particular. It helped him experience different people in different parts of the country, away from the unreality of Hollywood. These little trips helped him to become a better actor.

Try something new every day and let your experiences broaden your view of the world and people around you. Explore a new neighborhood in your town. Spend an afternoon in a museum to which you've never been before. Chat up someone in the checkout line at the store. You need to open up to the people around you. You need to step out of your comfort zone more and more each day. This will heighten your sense of adventure and your zest for life.

Think about it. When was the last time you did something out of your comfort zone? When you stay in your comfort zone, you miss out on a whole lot of experiences that could add to your growth - emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually.

I would love to try bungee jumping and skydiving but I'm a coward when it comes to risking life and limb. If you have the courage, go for it! At the very least, you will have plenty of exciting stories to share, enabling you to develop your storytelling skills, making you the life of any gathering. People will love to hear you tell about doing the things they only dream of doing.

This next thing will seem nutty. It is. You need to embrace insanity. I'm not talking about the kind that will land you in a rubber room. As John Russell once said, "Sanity calms, but madness (insanity) is more interesting."

History shows that nearly every creative thinker was once deemed insane by "normal" people. Lucky for us, the critics couldn't stop the creative geniuses from changing the world. Being "normal" confines’ people to think - normally, that is, to think within limits society has deemed to be normal. Creativity is essentially ignoring those limits, within the Law, of course. Your creativity may seem bizarre and downright strange to the "normals.” Ignore them and seek out others who also ignore the "normals" of this world. They will know how to help you to cultivate your new sense of creativity.

Now, a word of caution as you step out in your search for creativity. Don't strive to develop a creative "personality." There is a difference between a creative personality and creative thinking. Examples of wacky creative personalities would be George Washington, who often rode into battle naked, or James Joyce, who wrote "Dubliners" with beetle juice because he had an intense fear of ink, or Albert Einstein, who thought his cat was a spy sent by his rival. They were all great men, for sure, but a little wacky at times because they lost touch with reality.

It's important that your creativity doesn't blind you to the real world. Keep your feet on the ground and your head in the clouds! (Look familiar?)

Starting today, begin thinking beyond your "limits." Follow these steps and you'll soon be living a life full of interesting and exciting adventures. Your new level creative thinking will bring about a new zest for living life.

Who knows, your idea might be the next great idea to change the world.

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Selasa, 22 September 2009



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Silahkan buka lakukan sebelum & sesudah menggunakan tool ini. Nanti akan kelihatan perbedaan IP (alamat koneksi kita) yg kita pake. Jika anda suka, silahkan bookmark alamat web ini online di del.icio.us jadi anda bisa mmbukanya dimana aja tanpa hrs melihat catatan bookmark anda. Ok, itu aja info gratisnyaMaaf bila ada salah kata, ini cuma sekedar share agar kita bisa manfaatin sebaik2nya. Smoga bermanfaat buat rekan2 disini. Keep freedom to surf!!! Smoga berkenan...

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Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Cara Bikin Kuis Di Facebook

facebookholic pasti sering menerima kiriman kuis-kuis aneh dari kawan-kawan kamu di Facebook bukan? Ada kuis facebook yang ingin melihat kepribadian kamu, sifat kamu, pengetahuan kamu, dan lain sebagainya. Kuis Facebook sebenarnya sangat mudah untuk kita buat sendiri. Tidak perlu pengetahuan bahasa pemrograman yang hanya diketahui oleh orang-orang IT. Yang kita butuhkan hanya sebuah aplikasi Facebook yang khusus membuat kuis Facebook Caranya cukup mudah,silahkan ikuti langkah langkah berikut1.Silahkan Login di account Facebook kamu.2.Sebaiknya dipikirkan dulu,kira kira mau buat kuis apa,biar hasilnya maksimal3.Kalau sudah ada ide atau gambaran tentang kuis yang mau di buat,baru kita ke tahap berikutnya4.Klik disini untuk memulai membuat kuis5.Kemudian Allow6.Sekarang kamu sudah masuk ke halaman membuat kuis7.Silahkan disi form yang terdiri dari:Name Your Quiz,Quiz Description,Quiz Language,This Quiz is For,Contains Alcoho,Upload a PictureKalau sudah semua klik NextItulah tadi cara membuat kuis di facebook,semoga bermanfaat :)Selamat mencoba TIPS FACEBOOK

facebookholic pasti sering menerima kiriman kuis-kuis aneh dari kawan-kawan kamu di Facebook bukan? Ada kuis facebook yang ingin melihat kepribadian kamu, sifat kamu, pengetahuan kamu, dan lain sebagainya. Kuis Facebook sebenarnya sangat mudah untuk kita buat sendiri. Tidak perlu pengetahuan bahasa pemrograman yang hanya diketahui oleh orang-orang IT. Yang kita butuhkan hanya sebuah aplikasi Facebook yang khusus membuat kuis Facebook Caranya cukup mudah,silahkan ikuti langkah langkah berikut1.Silahkan Login di account Facebook kamu.2.Sebaiknya dipikirkan dulu,kira kira mau buat kuis apa,biar hasilnya maksimal3.Kalau sudah ada ide atau gambaran tentang kuis yang mau di buat,baru kita ke tahap berikutnya4.Klik disini untuk memulai membuat kuis5.Kemudian Allow6.Sekarang kamu sudah masuk ke halaman membuat kuis7.Silahkan disi form yang terdiri dari:Name Your Quiz,Quiz Description,Quiz Language,This Quiz is For,Contains Alcoho,Upload a PictureKalau sudah semua klik NextItulah tadi cara membuat kuis di facebook,semoga bermanfaat :)Selamat mencoba TIPS FACEBOOK

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